
Illustration Design


Ein neues Jahr, ein neuer Creatuanary…

Ich muss ehrlich sein, ich war mir nicht sicher, ob ich dieses Jahr mitmachen würde, aber ich denke, es wird ein beschäftigter Januar!

01: Feuer Phönix / Fire Phoenix

Ich habe Prachtkranich mit Bombadierkäfer und einem Hauch Fischadler gemischt.

02: Feuer Dinosaurier/ Pyroceratops

In Magic the Gathering ist Pyroceratops eine Kreatur, genauer gesagt ein Elementar-Dinosaurier.

Ich habe Triceratops mit etwas Vogel-DNA und Feuer gemischt.

03: Feuer Dschinn/ Ifrit

Ifrit, auch Efreet, Afrit und Afreet geschrieben, ist eine mächtige Dämonenart in der islamischen Kultur. Es wird auch in mehreren Filmen und Spielen verwendet. Sie werden oft mit der Unterwelt in Verbindung gebracht und mit den Geistern der Toten identifiziert.

Ich habe menschliche mit Gürteltier-DNA gemischt. Ich dachte, als Feuer-Dschinn würde er eher den Asche- und Rauchaspekt des Feuers darstellen.

04: Flammenschlange/ Flame Serpent

Eine Feurige Schlange (auch bekannt als Schlangen – Lubac, Letun, Letuchy, Litavets, Maniac, Nalyot, Ognyanny und Prelestnik) ist ein böses Wesen, welches in der slawischen Mythologie häufig vorkommt und sich als anthropomorpher Schlangendämon darstellt.

Ich stellte mir eine haarige Buschotter in feurigen Farben vor. Vielleicht könnte sie ihren Körper aufheizen und so ihre Beute töten?

Referenzbildnachweis: @thecoldinstinct
Schau dir die tolle Arbeit an!

05: Feuer Elfe/ Fire Sprite

Vielleicht hast du bereits eine Feuerelfe gesehen, sie aber nicht erkannt. Sie können sowohl gut versteckt sein als auch eine deutlichere Form annehmen. Wo immer es eine Flamme oder einen Funken gibt, ist es fast sicher, dass Feuerelflen anwesend sind. Sie flackern im Bruchteil einer Sekunde in die gesehene Welt hinein und wieder heraus.

Ich habe Menschen- und Kurzkopfgleitbeutler-DNA gemischt. Sie sind einfach zu süss.
Meine Feuerelfe bewegt sich wie ein Funke, sie macht Sprünge und gleitet umher, während sie zwischen den Welten tanzt.

06: Höllenhund/ Infernal Hound

Wow: Der Höllenhund ist ein Hardmode-Feind, der in der Unterwelt erscheint.
Ein Höllenhund ist ein mythologischer Hund, der einen Wächter oder Diener der Hölle, des Teufels oder der Unterwelt verkörpert.

Ich habe Deutsche Dogge mit Ameisenigel-DNA gemischt. Er nimmt seine Aufgabe, den Eingang zur Hölle zu schützen, ernst und hat etwas gehört …

07: vulkanischer Golem/ Pyroclastic Golem

Pyroklastisch bedeutet, dass von einem Vulkan ausgebrochene Gesteinsfragmente entstehen.
Ein Golem ist in der jüdischen Folklore ein belebtes, anthropomorphes Wesen, welches vollständig aus unbelebter Materie, meist Lehm oder Schlamm, besteht.

Mein pyroklastischer Golem war früher ein Mensch. Von einem vulkanischen Zorn verschlungen, verschwand seine Seele und sein Körper verhärtete sich.
Sei sehr vorsichtig, welchen Befehl du dem pyroklastischen Golem aufschreibst, denn Ihre Notiz verbrennt sofort in seinem Mund, es gibt kein Zurück!

08: Gorgo/ Gorgon

Die Gorgonen waren drei weibliche Monster in der griechischen Mythologie, die Menschen töten konnten, indem sie sie nur ansahen. Der griechische Dichter Hesiod nannte sie Stheno (die Mächtige oder Starke), Euryale (die Weitspringerin) und Medusa (die Königin). Er beschrieb, dass sie Schlangen als Haare, Flügel, Krallen, Stoßzähne und Schuppen hatten.

09: sechsbeiniger Steingolem/ Six legged Stone Golem

Der zweite Golem in dieser Liste. Als meine sechsbeinige Inspiration, habe ich einen Floh genommen, dessen riesiger Hintern sich einfach perfekt in Stein verwandeln lässt. Legt er sich hin, ist er mit seinem überwucherten Körper perfekt getarnt.

10: Terrakotta geflügelter Wächter/ Terracotta Winged Guardian

Terrakotta ist eine Art gebrannter Ton, typischerweise von bräunlich-roter Farbe und unglasiert, der als dekoratives Baumaterial und zum Modellieren verwendet wird.

Ich liebe Gargoyle (Wasserspeier), also dachte ich, ein Terrakota-Wasserspeier würde gut zu dieser Aufforderung passen!
Ich habe Flying Fox mit Hippo-DNA gemischt.

Creatuanary Day 11: Stegolith (earth Dinosaur)

Stegosaurus is a genus of herbivorous, four-legged, armored dinosaur from the Late Jurassic, characterized by the distinctive kite-shaped upright plates along their backs and spikes on their tails.

I took a Stegosaurus as my main inspiration and mixed in some toad headed agama and some plants.

Creatuanary Day 12: Quicksand elemental

Quicksand (sand that behaves as a liquid because it is saturated with water) can be a mucky nuisance, but it’s basically impossible to die in the way that is depicted in movies. That’s because quicksand is denser than the human body.

Did you know that there’s an octopus that can make his own quicksand to hide? Thats why I took Octopus as my main inspiration. I also thought the many arms will help with the movement in the quicksand. I mixed in some mud skipper DNA as well.

Creatuanary Day 13: Mountain Troll

A mountain troll is a type of troll in Scandinavian folklore. Depending on the source, their appearance varies greatly; from ugly and slow-witted to human like beings, with no particularly grotesque characteristic about them.
Trolls are sometimes associated with particular landmarks in Scandinavian folklore, which at times may be explained as formed from a troll exposed to sunlight.

Creatuanary Day 14: Dryad of the Oak

A dryad is a tree nymph or tree spirit in Greek mythology. Drys (δρῦς) signifies «oak» in Greek. Dryads were originally considered the nymphs of oak trees specifically, but the term has evolved towards tree nymphs in general.

I mixed Tarsier with western gray squirrel and threw in some oak elements. Perfectly camouflaged in the tree, you need to be very lucky to see one.

Creatuanary Day 15: Leviathan (Water Serpent)

In the Old Testament, Leviathan appears as a multiheaded sea serpent that is killed by God and given as food to the Hebrews in the wilderness. In Isaiah, Leviathan is a serpent and a symbol of Israel’s enemies, who will be slain.
The Leviathan is often an embodiment of chaos and threatening to eat the damned after their life. In the end, it is annihilated. Christian theologians identified Leviathan with the demon of the deadly sin envy.

Creatuanary Day 16: Naiad (Water Nymph)

In Greek mythology, the naiads are a type of female spirit, or nymph, presiding over fountains, wells, springs, streams, brooks and other bodies of fresh water.
They are mostly depicted as beautiful young women.
What if they only were beautiful young women from afar? Like when you need glasses…. I thought a frog nymph might be fun, but careful, she’s jumpy.

Creatuanary Day 17: Coral Elemental

Corals are colonial marine invertebrates within the class Anthozoa. They typically form compact colonies of many identical individual polyps. Coral species include the important reef builders that inhabit tropical oceans and secrete calcium carbonate to form a hard skeleton.

What if corals took over a human and they merged in a monstrous collective?

Creatuanary Day 18: Plesiosplash (Water Dinosaur)

The Plesiosauria or Plesiosaurs are an order or clade of extinct Mesozoic marine reptiles, belonging to the Sauropterygia.

For my Plesiosplash I mixed Seaturtle, crocodile, Indonesian Sailfin Dragonand some brown Basilisk DNA.

Creatuanary Day 19: Ice Mermaid

In folklore, a mermaid is an aquatic creature with the head and upper body of a female human and the tail of a fish. Mermaids are sometimes associated with perilous events such as floods, storms, shipwrecks, and drownings.

For my main inspirarion I used human and crocodile icefish. They are also called white blooded fishe and foumd in the ocean around Antarctica.

Creatuanary Day 20: Swamp Specter

The Spectre is the divine Spirit of Vengeance, a powerful agent of the Presence, bound to a human host to curb his power and offer guidance.

With the swamp as inspiration, i mixed marsh rabbit and platypus DNA.

Creatuanary Day 21: Tidal Behemoth

Behemoth (in the Old Testament) a powerful, grass-eating, river-dwelling animal whose “bones are tubes of bronze, his limbs like bars of iron”. Among various Jewish legends, one says that the righteous will witness a spectacular battle between Behemoth and Leviathan in the messianic era and later feast upon their flesh.

I mixed rhinoceros and seahorse DNA. I imagine that not only his bones, but also it’s skin is super strong.

Creatuanary Day 22: Zephyr Harpy

Zephyr was the Greek god of the west wind, which was considered the gentlest wind, especially if compared to the colder north wind, Boreas.
In Greek and Roman mythology, a harpy is a half-human and half-bird, often believed to be a personification of storm winds.

I mixed human, bearded volture and a bit of peacock DNA. He saw something that caught is attention. What might it be?

Creatuanary Day 23: Djin of the Tempest

Tempest is a synonym for a storm.
Jinn (also romanized as djinn or anglicized as genies) are invisible creatures in early religion in pre-Islamic Arabia and later in Islamic culture and beliefs. Jinn are neither innately evil nor good. Jinn are not a strictly Islamic concept; they may represent several pagan beliefs integrated into Islam.

I mixed weevil, deer and hickory horned devil. I seriously fell in love with weevil, if you don’t know them, definitely look them up 🖤

Creatuanary Day 24: Cyclone Griffin

In meteorology, a cyclone is a large air mass that rotates inward, around a strong center of low pressure.
The Griffin is a mythical creature known as a half-eagle, half-lion in various cultures. In legends and folklore, the beast guards priceless possessions.

I mixed lion, leppard and eagle. I switched it up with the feet a bit and gave him just one spiral eye. Whit that he can see much more than humans…

Creatuanary Day 25: Whispering Wind Elemental

I did not go with a mythology for this one. I mixed horse and big cat DNA. Because horses can run like the wind and with cat claws they would be silent as well…. just slicing through the air. They are so fast and silent, most times you won’t even see them.

Creatuanary Day 26: Stormy Slyph

Sylphs are spirits of the air, and usually live high in the mountain peaks. Sometimes their voices are heard on the wind or their airy forms are felt in passing, though they are rarely seen. They are described as almost transparent, very small, and winged or alternatively as tall with long feathered wings, large, hawk-like eyes, and angular faces.

I went with an animal version of a sylph. I mixed pine marten and porcupine DNA. With it’s windy Body it can ride the winds and is prickly like a storm can be.

Creatuanary Day 27: Skyward Spectral Rider

In magic the gathering there is a ghost rider: Intimidate (This creature can’t be blocked except by artifact creatures and/or creatures that share a color with it.)

But i went with my own interpretation 🤗

Creatuanary Day 28: Pteroflare (Wind Dinosaur)

Pterosaurs are an extinct clade of flying reptiles in the order Pterosauria. They existed during most of the Mesozoic: from the Late Triassic to the end of the Cretaceous. Pterosaurs are the earliest vertebrates known to have evolved powered flight.

For my Petroflare i mixed in some sailfin lizard, ruffed grouse and kasuar.

Creatuanary Day 29: Nymph of the four Seasons (Earth, Water, Air)

In Greek mythology a nymph is any of a large class of lower ranked female divinities. The nymphs were usually associated with fertile, growing things, such as trees, or with water. They were not immortal but were extremely long-lived.

My Nymph of the four seasons has four arms. One for every season. She wields them wisely, sees far and feels changes coming.

Creatuanary Day 30: Celestial Tempest Dragon (Fire, Wind)

A Tempest is a storm.
A dragon is a large magical legendary creature that appears in the folklore of multiple cultures worldwide. Beliefs about dragons vary considerably through regions, but dragons in Western cultures since the High Middle Ages have often been depicted as winged, horned, and capable of breathing fire.

My main inspiration was wildebeest and so e reptile elements. Instead of fur it has flames and is fast as the wind. Better don’t try petting him….

Creatuanary Day 31: Feliciano the faun riding an elemental Chimera (Fire, Earth, Water)

In Greek mythology, the Chimera, Chimaera, or Chimæra was a monstrous fire-breathing hybrid creature composed of different animal parts. It is usually depicted as a lion, with the head of a goat protruding from its back, and a tail that might end with a snake’s head.

I went with the classic description and played a bit more with colour… Shes jumping and all four of them are totally focused, is there a meal or foe in sight?

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